Host Info

Lend us your spirit. Help keep our meeting focused.

Our main Host doesn’t just open and close the meeting. They help set the tone and pace by introducing speakers and offering support for those in need after the meeting. They guide us through the sharing experience.

Weekly Hosting

We ask that hosts commit to 2 to 6 months of hosting, for the same day each week.

You’ll start Zoom 10 or 15 minutes before the meeting starts, and get the room and materials for the meeting set up. You’ll get help from co-hosts, admitting participants and ensuring the room is secured. You’ll join our host and co-host WhatsApp group where we coordinate the meeting team, ask others about how to handle special situations on so on.

Substiture Host

Start hosting as a sub! A great opportunity to get started as host is to get training, then offer to fill in on days the regular host is not available. If you’re not able to commit to hosting a specific day, we often need people to fill in for us. That’s also very helpful and appreciated!


Sobriety requirement: 90 days continuous sobriety. One of our members will help you get up to speed.

Photo by Manuela